
Considering today’s global competition, corporate objectives can only be achieved via a consistent focus on the needs of potential and existing customers.

Among other things, this requires continuous, targeted communication with the market, excellent knowledge of the market and the competition, rapid product launches and placements accessible to end customers, active brand management and a competent corporate market profile. The potential associated spheres of activity are both broad and weighted differently according to industry and enterprise size.

We offer our clients professional support — both strategic and operative — in order to plan and execute marketing activities in a target group- and purpose-oriented manner.

Market analysis

Market analysis

Every market is unique — with its very own opportunities and risks. We analyse and observe industries, market players and the associated markets in a systematic manner for our clients using figures, data and facts, before they make investments in new projects on the respective markets.

Brand management

Brand management

We are highly familiar with any brand-related issues our clients may encounter. Our decades of experience of international operative business have ensured that we have developed sophisticated brand knowledge.

Trade fair management

Trade fair management

Trade fairs continue to constitute important platforms, even in the digitised age — they are a way of contacting current customers, interested parties and potential future customers.



Targeted internal and external communication is invariably essential to corporate success. Clear differentiation from the competition, conclusive facts and strong arguments based on conviction are key factors.



During the realisation of our mandates and projects, we collaborate with various design, media and web agencies as required.